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OdeMatic ODM

C-EXINS crypto trading OdeMatic (ODM) best coin to trade Polygon ERC20 Token

OdeMatic ODM Polygon ERC20 token
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C-EXINS is the Creator and Owner of the Token OdeMatic ODM. Coin is created for the projects that would deal with the Modern Technologies for our enterprise project 'The Project VR'.

In the first stage we are completing the complete necessary documentations according the long term basis. As for the legalization of any Crypto Coin(s), Token(s) or Asset(s) where needed in the form of Token and according to the code of acceptance of the legal holdings.

OdeMatic ODM Crypto token was owned to fulfill the financial requirements of C-EXINS's project 'The Project VR'. One of the its financial project.

OdeMatic ODM Block Explorer

Wallets Supported

Install Wallet as an extension what you liked to store and secure your payments. C-EXINS Blockchain department, Odeonus.


OdeMatic ODM enlisted on the exchcanges. C-EXINS Blockchain department, Odeonus.

OdeMatic ODM at Quickswap Exchange


Flow of C-EXINS developent activities brief description and timeline of Crypto currency life cycle. The best coin to trade there are a large number of stablecoin in the market but our coins are also in the list of our best trading cryptocurrency pairs. You may consider C-EXINS best trading cryptocurrency like Azuray (AZY), Azuray (AZR), OdeMatic (ODM), Habitant (HBT), Defenders (DFD), VR Junior (VRJ), The Project VR v1 (VR1) etc. C-EXINS Blockchain department, Odeonus.

Step 1: Created/Owned


Step 2: Initial Launched

Initial Launched to Swap for CTCP (Coin Test Process & Calibration) at https://pancake.finance/swap.


Step 3: Enlist Coin/Token/NFT

Enlist Coin/Token/NFT on Exchange listing sites.

Step 4: Enlist on Exchanges

Enlist on Exchanges


Step 5: Open for Trade

Open for Trade.

Step 6: Get included into StableCoin to crypto tokens and coins

included into StableCoin to crypto tokens and coins


Step 7: Design & developments for the crypto tokens and coins ecosystem.

Design & developments for the crypto tokens and coins ecosystem.

Step 8: Create the market place for crypto tokens and coins

Enlist on Exchanges


Step 9: Ecosystem Design & developments.

Payment Processor for easy payments

Step 10: Tools & features

Tools & featuress


Step 11: Integrity


Step X.....

Step X.....


Total Supply, Liquidity & Distribution

For the fair launch of theC-EXINS OdeMatic (ODM) Polygon ERC20 token. We have particularly issued the details like Total Supply. liquidity and distributions.

A white paper is an authoritative report or guide that informs readers concisely about a complex issue and presents the issuing body's philosophy on the matter. It is meant to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision. C-EXINS Blockchain department, Odeonus.

OdeMatic ODM (Contract Details)

C-EXINS OdeMatic (ODM) Polygon Smart Contract ERC20 Token

Name: OdeMatic Symbol: ODM
Contract Address: 0x7ccF8E6480927246043d3a754fc2978651Fa9a5e
Decimals: 6

To add custom token into Metamask Wallet.
Step#1: Click Import Token
Step#2: Enter Token Contract Address
Step#3: Enter Token Symbol
Step#4: Enter Token Decimals
Step#5: Click Add Custom Token
OdeMatic ODM ERC20 Polygon Smart Contract

C-EXINS Crypto Currency
OdeMatic ODM Whitepapers

C-EXINS's crypto currencies which supports a range of business, security & our educational programs.

C-EXINS OdeMatic ODM Polygon ERC20 Whitepaper
A white paper is an authoritative report or guide that informs readers concisely about a complex issue and presents the issuing body's philosophy on the matter. It is meant to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision.

Get in Touch

Subscribe our social media links to get new Offers, Oppertunities, News Letters, Alterts and crypto currency markets & crypto trading updates. C-EXINS Blockchain department, Odeonus.

OdeMatic ODM Market Caps

For the fair launch of the C-EXINS OdeMatic (ODM) Polygon ERC20 Token. We have particularly issued the details
like Total Supply. liquidity and distributions. C-EXINS Blockchain department, Odeonus.

C-EXINS NFT Collections

Our wonderful NFT Collections are designed to mold some common graphics but the design and representation is very unique. NFTs that designed for the project based blockchain developments, web3 and for the funding of an enterprise application developments.
Purchase or Sell of one of the C-EXINS NFT Collections is very easy and profitable. Your profit beccause of our strategies would not be redurce.

Workforece WKF

Technically SpaceShip SPS NFT built on ERC-1155 Ethereum Smart Contract Polygon Network. SppaceShip SPS is a Part of our project 'Project VR'. Get your NFT place your order Now!

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WarriorToken WRT

WarriorToken WRT is also built on ERC-1155 Polygon Smart Contract Polygon Network. It is a token that would help parties in our projects. To Get your NFT place your order Now!

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Habitant HBT

Habitant HBT is also built on ERC-1155 Ethereum Smart Contract Polygon Network. It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout

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